

出版年份:2003 年文章数:2252 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Monthly 自引率:4.3% 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



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The general aim of Liver International is to promote all aspects of the science of hepatology from basic research to applied clinical studies. It is an international Journal providing a forum for the publication of high quality original research in hepatology. It provides an essential resource for all professionals concerned with normal and abnormal structure and function in the liver and its constituent cells and is intended for clinicians and basic scientists involved in the multi-disciplinary field of hepatology. It includes studies of pathobiology from experimental models and human material. Liver International welcomes articles from all fields of hepatology, which may be published as original articles, rapid communications, reviews, and letters to the Editor. Case reports will be accepted if the clinical problem is studied in detail and of sufficient interest in a wider context. Papers are normally evaluated by a peer review process involving at least two independent reviewers. Within the scope of the Journal, articles will be accepted on the basis of scientific quality, originality and up-to-date relevance.


i. Original Articles

Liver International publishes both clinical and experimental research in all areas of normal and abnormal liver function and disease. Purely descriptive research or methodology papers will not be considered for publication. Basic science manuscripts will be considered for publication only if they have translational significance.

Word limit: 5,000 words maximum, including title page, abstract, lay summary and main text. References, figures and tables (including legends) should be excluded from the word count.

Abstract: 250 words maximum; must be structured, under the sub-headings: Background & Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

References: Maximum of 50 references.

Figures/Tables: Total of no more than 8 figures and/or tables with up to 6 individual panels each.

Lay Summary: Please provide Two or three sentences summarizing the main message of the article expressed in plain English to describe your findings to a non-medical audience. The submission of the lay summary is mandatory when submitting a revised manuscript, however, the authors are encouraged to include it at submission.

ii. Systematic Reviews and/or Meta-Analysis

Authors submitting systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses should submit as Original Articles and must use PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) check list. A copy of the completed checklist should be uploaded as supplementary information. Failure to do that will result in automatic rejection of the manuscript.

Word limit: 6,000 words maximum, including title page, abstract, key points and main text. References, figures and tables should be excluded from the word count.

Abstract: 250 words maximum; must be structured, under the sub-headings: Background & Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

References: Maximum of 50 references.

Figures/Tables: Authors can include up to 4 figures and/or tables.

Key Points: Key points must be organized in a box, with a maximum of 5 bullet points that briefly summarize the content of the review. Please ensure that they do not exceed 100 words in total.

iii. Brief Definitive Reports

Brief Definitive Reports are shorter than Original Articles and present observations of immediate impact that require a limited space to convey a clear and complete message. Brief Definitive Reports will undergo regular peer-review as original manuscripts.

Word limit: 3,000 words maximum, including title page, abstract, main text and references. Figures and tables (including legends) should be excluded from the word count.

Abstract: 150 words maximum, unstructured.

References: Maximum of 20 references.

Figures/Tables: Total of no more than 2 figures or tables.

Lay Summary: Not required.

iv. Review Articles

Review articles on selected clinical and basic topics of interest for the readers of Liver International are generally commissioned by the Editors. While unsolicited reviews will be considered, authors are encouraged to contact the Editors before submitting a review. Review articles are reviewed by the Editors and are normally sent out for peer review. Invitation to write a review article does not imply automatic acceptance. Review articles are expected to be clear, concise, insightful and updated.

Word limit: The recommended length is 5,000 words with an upper limit of 6,000 words, including title page, abstract, key points and main text. References, which should not exceed 150, figures and tables (including legends) should be excluded from the word count.

Abstract: 250 words maximum; unstructured.

Figures/Tables: The inclusion of tables and figures to summarize critical points is highly desirable.

Key Points: Key points must be organized in a box, with a maximum of 5 bullet points that briefly summarize the content of the review. Please ensure that they do not exceed 100 words in total.

v. Mini-Reviews

Narrative mini-reviews on more focused topics.

Word limit: 4,000 words maximum, including title page, unstructured abstract, key points and main text. References, figure legends and tables should be excluded from the word count.

Abstract: 250 words maximum; unstructured.

References: Maximum of 30 references.

Figures/Tables: Total of no more than 2 figures or tables.

Key Points: Key points must be organized in a box, with a maximum of 5 bullet points that briefly summarize the content of the review. Please ensure that they do not exceed 100 words in total.


vi. Research Letters

Research letters should address a recently published paper (within the last six months) on an urgent or hot topic. The journal will publish maximum one research letter per issue.

Word limit: 1,500 words maximum.

Abstract: Not required.

References: Maximum of 10 references.

Figures/Tables: Maximum of two figures/tables.

Authors: Maximum of 10 authors.

vii. Editorials

Editorials are commissioned by the Editors.

Word limit: 1,500 words maximum.

Abstract: Not required.

References: Maximum of 20 references.

Figures/Tables: One figure or table is highly recommended.

Lay Summary/Key Points: Not required.

A title page must be provided and authors should include a specific title for the editorial.

viii. Letters to the Editor

Only letters concerning papers published in Liver International will be considered for publication. Case reports shall be automatically rejected.

Word limit: 400 words maximum (main text).

References: Maximum of 5 references.

Authors: Maximum of 4 authors.

Figures/Tables: One figure or table can be included.

A title page should be provided, and the paper being commented upon should be included as the first reference. Upon acceptance the authors of the original manuscript will be invited to respond to the comments raised in the letter and the two will be published together.

IX. Liver International Images

Word limit: The short description of the image(s) should not exceed 250 words (main text).

References: Maximum of 5 references.

Authors: Maximum of 4 authors.

A title page should be provided.
