Treatment with Methylphenidate for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the Risk of All-Cause Poisoning in Children and Adolescents: A Self-Controlled Case Series Study
Gao, L; Man, KKC; Chan, EW; Chui, CSL; Li, X; Coghill, D; Hon, KL; Tse, ML; Lum, TYS; Wong, KHTW; Ip, P; Wong, ICK
Wong, ICK (corresponding author), Univ Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Fac Med, Ctr Safe Medicat Practice & Res, Dept Pharmacol & Pharm, 2-F Lab Block,21 Sassoon Rd, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.; Wong, ICK (corresponding author), UCL, Ctr Med Optimisat Res & Educ, Res Dept Policy & Practice, Sch Pharm, London, England.
CNS DRUGS, 2021; 35 (7): 769