2011SCAI 经桡动脉介入治疗冠状动脉与周围动脉病变的方法
2011-02-01 美国心血管造影和介入学会 Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Nov 15;78(6):823-39. doi: 10.1002/ccd.23052. Epub 2011 May 4.
2011SCAI 经桡动脉介入治疗冠状动脉与周围动脉病变的方法
2011SCAI Transradial Arterial Access for Coronary and Peripheral Procedures
In response to growing U.S. interest, the Society for Coronary Angiography andInterventions recently formed a Transradial Committee whose purpose is to examinethe utility, utilization, and training considerations related to transradial access for percutaneous coronary and peripheral procedures. With international partnership, the committee has composed a comprehensive overview of this subject presented herewith.