EJAP:短时高强度锻炼 远离糖尿病
2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创
久坐少动是导致糖尿病的重要原因,但许多人又常常抽不出时间来锻炼。日前,英国巴斯大学等机构的研究人员在新一期《欧洲应用生理学期刊》发表论文"Original ArticleTowards the minimal amount of exercise for improving metabolic health: beneficial effects of reduced-exertion high-
久坐少动是导致糖尿病的重要原因,但许多人又常常抽不出时间来锻炼。日前,英国巴斯大学等机构的研究人员在新一期《欧洲应用生理学期刊》发表论文"Original ArticleTowards the minimal amount of exercise for improving metabolic health: beneficial effects of reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training"说,只要能在短时间内进行高强度锻炼,比如每周来几次20秒的全速冲刺跑,也有助于预防糖尿病。
Original ArticleTowards the minimal amount of exercise for improving metabolic health: beneficial effects of reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training
Richard S. Metcalfe, John A. Babraj, Samantha G. Fawkner and Niels B. J. Vollaard
High-intensity interval training (HIT) has been proposed as a time-efficient alternative to traditional cardiorespiratory exercise training, but is very fatiguing. In this study, we investigated the effects of a reduced-exertion HIT (REHIT) exercise intervention on insulin sensitivity and aerobic capacity. Twenty-nine healthy but sedentary young men and women were randomly assigned to the REHIT intervention (men, n = 7; women, n = 8) or a control group (men, n = 6; women, n = 8). Subjects assigned to the control groups maintained their normal sedentary lifestyle, whilst subjects in the training groups completed three exercise sessions per week for 6 weeks. The 10-min exercise sessions consisted of low-intensity cycling (60 W) and one (first session) or two (all other sessions) brief ‘all-out’ sprints (10 s in week 1, 15 s in weeks 2–3 and 20 s in the final 3 weeks). Aerobic capacity ( \dot{V}{\text{O}}{}_{ 2}{\text{peak}} ) and the glucose and insulin response to a 75-g glucose load (OGTT) were determined before and 3 days after the exercise program. Despite relatively low ratings of perceived exertion (RPE 13 ± 1), insulin sensitivity significantly increased by 28% in the male training group following the REHIT intervention (P < 0.05). \dot{V}{\text{O}}{}_{ 2}{\text{peak}} increased in the male training (+15%) and female training (+12%) groups (P < 0.01). In conclusion we show that a novel, feasible exercise intervention can improve metabolic health and aerobic capacity. REHIT may offer a genuinely time-efficient alternative to HIT and conventional cardiorespiratory exercise training for improving risk factors of T2D.