2013-01-21 AAOS CMT Jane整理
美国骨科医师学会(AAOS)于1月2日在线刊登了2012年最受骨科医生关注的10条新闻。这10条新闻涵盖了8条研究和2条时事新闻。以下是这10条新闻: 1.儿童闭合性胫骨干骨折可允许负重 来自《骨与关节外科杂志》(美国版)的一项研究报告指出,石膏固定胫骨干骨折后立刻参与负重的儿童与非负重者相比,愈合时间相同,成角或胫骨缩短均无差异。 在这项研究中,研究人员对低能量骨折儿童分别使用
A Comparison of Two Approaches for the Closed Treatment of Low-Energy Tibial Fractures in Children
2. 受污染类固醇也可引发关节感染风险;其它两类可疑药品名称被披露
FDA: More drugs may be linked to meningitis outbreak
3. 局部联合用药或可降低关节成形术、脊柱融合术后伤口感染风险
根据ID Week2012年会议上报告的资料显示,术前鼻用莫匹罗星联合局部葡萄糖胺氯己定(CHG)可降低外科手术部位金黄的葡萄球菌感染的风险。
该研究团队开展了一项开放标签、随机试验,术前关节成形术或脊柱融合术患者接受局部CHG联合鼻用聚维酮碘(PI)或鼻用5天莫匹罗星软膏治疗,比较术后两种用药方法对SSI的影响。研究者发现, 聚维酮碘组发生深部金黄色葡萄球菌SSI的比例是1/887(887次手术中有1次发生感染),而莫匹罗星组比例是5/879。另外,聚维酮碘组发生1例浅表金黄葡萄球菌SSI,而莫匹罗星组无感染病例。
4.《 新英格兰医学杂志》一评论文章谈髓膜炎疫情
Fungal Infections Associated with Contaminated Methylprednisolone Injections — Preliminary Report
5. NASS:硬膜外类固醇注射与椎体骨折风险增加有关
Steroid Injection Linked to Increased Risk of Bone Fractures
A study published in the Nov. 21 issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery—American (JBJS-A) finds no difference in clinical function, alignment, or survivorship of the knees of patients who underwent computer-navigated total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and those who underwent conventional TKA. The authors conducted a prospective randomized trial of 520 patients with osteoarthritis who underwent computer-navigated total knee arthroplasty for one knee and conventional total knee arthroplasty for the other. At 10.8-year follow-up, they found no significant differences between groups in the areas of total knee scores, knee function scores, pain scores, WOMAC scores, knee motion, and activity scores, and alignment and survivorship of the components were not statistically different across groups.
A related commentary in the same issue of JBJS—A discusses the findings of the study and points out that the skill set of the surgeon is important to the outcomes described. The authors recommend that, because individual results may vary among orthopaedic surgeons, the choice to use the computer as a surgical tool should not be based on data from any single study.
Findings from a study published in the November issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine suggest that the osteochondral autologous transplantation (OAT) technique for repair of articular cartilage defect (ACD) or osteochondral defect (OCD) in the knee may allow athletes a higher rate of return to and maintenance of sports at preinjury levels compared with microfracture (MF). The research team conducted a randomized controlled trial of 60 athletes with symptomatic ACD or OCD in the knee. At 10-year follow-up, there were 4 failures (14 percent) in the OAT group and 11 failures (38 percent) in the MF group. In addition, the ICRS and Tegner scores of athletes younger than 25 years at the time of primary surgery remained significantly higher after 10 years compared with older patients, and 15 of 20 patients (75 percent) in the OAT group and 8 of 22 patients (37 percent) in the MF group maintained the same physical activity level.
Study data published in the November issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine suggest that open reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) may not increase risk of functional problems or osteoarthritis (OA), compared to endoscopic repair. The authors conducted a randomized, controlled trial of 67 patients with subacute or chronic rupture of the ACL. Patients were randomly assigned to open (n = 33) or endoscopic (n = 34) reconstruction. Of 53 patients evaluated at 12-year follow-up, no significant differences were found between the 2 surgical procedures with respect to pain, function, muscle strength, hop test, patellar height, or prevalence of OA. However, the authors noted a greater prevalence of OA in the tibiofemoral joint on the operated side compared to uninvolved knees
An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association summarizes findings from two studies on hospital-acquired infection (HAI) presented at the annual scientific meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The first study examined the efficacy of using a robot that emits ultraviolet (UV) light to disinfect hospital rooms after a patient infected with Clostricium difficile, Acinetobacter, or Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) was discharged. The researchers found that, in rooms that had housed patients with VRE or Acinetobacter, there was a more than 90 percent reduction in colony-forming units of VRE or Acinetobacter after UV treatment, and no environmental samples taken from UV-treated rooms that housed patients with C. difficile yielded cultures of the organism.
A second study assigned 43 hospitals to one of three cohorts: screen and isolate intensive care unit (ICU) patients who tested positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), screen and perform targeted decolonization of patients who tested positive for MRSA, or decolonize all ICU patients without screening. The researchers found that universal decolonization was most effective at reducing MRSA infections in the ICU, with a 37 percent reduction in the risk of MRSA colonization and a 44 percent reduction in bloodstream infections.
According to data from an Italian study published in the December issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine, autologous conditioned plasma (ACP) may offer better clinical outcomes than hyaluronic acid (HA) for the treatment of gonarthrosis. The authors conducted a randomized, controlled trial of 120 patients affected by clinically and radiographically documented gonarthrosis. Overall, 60 patients received 4 intra-articular injections of ACP while 60 patients received 4 intra-articular injections of HA. Researchers found that treatment with a local injection of ACP was linked to significant improvement on Western Ontario and McMaster (WOMAC) score shortly after final infiltration, and a continuously improving sustained effect up to 24 weeks, at which point clinical outcomes were better compared with the results with HA. For patients in the HA group, the worst results were obtained for grade III gonarthrosis. Clinical results obtained in the ACP group did not show any statistically significant difference in terms of the grade of gonarthrosis.本网站所有内容来源注明为“梅斯医学”或“MedSci原创”的文字、图片和音视频资料,版权均属于梅斯医学所有。非经授权,任何媒体、网站或个人不得转载,授权转载时须注明来源为“梅斯医学”。其它来源的文章系转载文章,或“梅斯号”自媒体发布的文章,仅系出于传递更多信息之目的,本站仅负责审核内容合规,其内容不代表本站立场,本站不负责内容的准确性和版权。如果存在侵权、或不希望被转载的媒体或个人可与我们联系,我们将立即进行删除处理。