2013-06-27 CAE dxy
心脏再同步化治疗(CRT)的疗效与术后患者CRT起搏的数量密切相关。目前对CRT术后未能CRT起搏的原因、各种原因的所占比例未做过很好的研究。 来自霍普金斯大学的Cheng A等研究者收集了2006年至2011年间,通过起搏器程控获得起搏器数据的CRT患者作为研究对象。使用自动算法对相关数据进行分析,将未能CRT起搏的原因分为十类。对完成分类队列中的部分数据进行人工矫正。共检索了80768名
来自霍普金斯大学的Cheng A等研究者收集了2006年至2011年间,通过起搏器程控获得起搏器数据的CRT患者作为研究对象。使用自动算法对相关数据进行分析,将未能CRT起搏的原因分为十类。对完成分类队列中的部分数据进行人工矫正。共检索了80768名患者的数据,CRT植入至数据分析平均时长594天(四分位间距,294-1003天)。在此队列中,有40.7%的患者CRT起搏比例<98%,11.5%的患者CRT起搏比例<90%。
The efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is associated with the amount of CRT pacing delivered. The specific causes of CRT pacing loss and their relative frequencies remain poorly defined.
CRT patients who transmitted device data from 2006 to 2011 were screened for inclusion. Device diagnostics were analyzed using an automated algorithm to categorize CRT loss into 10 different causes. The algorithm was validated against manual adjudications using a portion of the entire cohort. There were 80 768 patients analyzed with a median time of 594 (interquartile range, 294-1003) days from implant to time of analysis. In this cohort, 40.7% of patients had <98% pacing, and 11.5% of patients had <90% pacing. For patients with <98% pacing, device diagnostics explained 55.8% of pacing loss: 30.6% atrial tachycardia/atrial fibrillation; 16.6% premature ventricular contractions; and 8.6% captured as episodes with at least 10 consecutive beats of CRT loss (ventricular sensing episodes). Inappropriately programmed sensed and paced atrioventricular (AV) intervals (SAV/PAV) accounted for 34.5% of all ventricular sensing episodes. As the severity of CRT loss increased, the contribution of atrial tachycardia/atrial fibrillation and SAV/PAV to the loss increased. Atrial tachycardia/atrial fibrillation accounted for >50% and premature ventricular contractions accounted for <10% of CRT loss in those with <90% CRT pacing.
CRT pacing <98% was observed in 40.7% of patients. Among those with suboptimal pacing, atrial tachycardia/atrial fibrillation was the most common reason for CRT pacing loss. Inappropriately programmed SAV/PAV intervals was the most common reason for episodes of sustained loss of CRT pacing. This information can help in defining more effective treatments to improve CRT delivery.